The VS uses the following technical equipment
Delfino3s Plow
The single reversible mouldboard digs, thanks to its wave motion, micro basins 3,5m – 5m long, 40-50 cm wide and 40-50 cm deep.
The ripper, located in front of the plough, cracks and loosens up the soil at a depth of 60-70cm. It creates an ongoing underground splitted furrow which collects the water from the adjoining micro basins. The ripper does not reverse the upper soil and protects the ploughshare from braking.
The technical characteristics of the Delfino 3s and the speed of the tractor brake and crack the compact soil, facilitating deep infiltration of rainwater and roots growth. This water is thus protected from evaporation.
The rainwater, top soil, seeds, organic materials transported by wind and run-off accumulate in the micro basins and along the ripper tilling line boosting a longlasting regeneration process. Each motion unit (mu) micro basin / underground splited furrow collects even in case of very low rainfall (150-500mm/year) up to 1200 lt of water ( run-off water included).
The reversibility of the ploughshare allows an efficient work to promote the entry of run-off while working along the contour. It avoids empty returns. The undulating movement of the share and its reversibility are obtained by means of a hydraulic system.
For further information please see the technical sheet
Click here

Given the characteristics of the soil and the type of processing carried out with Delfino 3s, a 180-210 HP four-wheel drive tractor with a weight of 8-10 tons is required.
For further information please see the technical sheet
Click here